onsdag 14 september 2016

The truth about Bible Code.

"For about two years, Lori Eldridge ran the "Torah Code Archives" as part of Jack Van Impe's "Prophezine" web site. She was a true believer, and her web page was very popular. Then she turned against the code. She explains why in her article "Why I'm No Longer Researching the Codes." When she read the research of Hebrew scholar Dr. James D. Price, she had the guts to do an about-face, despite her embarrassment, and give up her research.
What did Price discover? He explains in three brief articles, "Self-Contradicting 'Codes,'" "God is False? 'Codes,'" and "Two More Negative 'Codes'". What Price did was to take assertions about God, supposedly discovered in the Bible Code in Hebrew, restate them as negatives, and see if they too were in the Bible. In every case they were.
Using the Bible Code, Price writes, one finds the Hebrew phrase translated "Jehovah is a liar" eight times. "Jehovah is dead" occurs twenty-three times. "There is no Jehovah," Price writes, "occurs dozens of times in the Torah," as does "There is no God." Price also found the phrases "Satan is Jehovah" and "Satan is God."
How can a Christian continue to work with these supposedly God-given codes after reading this? Price has also used the Bible Code software to find six thousand Hebrew words (of the 9,597 in the Old Testament) merely in Isaiah 53. Other scholars report that if one uses the criteria used in the Bible Code, one can find just about any prophetic message one looks for in a few pages of just about any secular writing. By this light, the code doesn't seem nearly so inspired or prophetic."

 jesus - is - savior . com / Bible / hidden_codes_in_bible.htm (Only see listed tested things this is Biblically tested true, but not all on Jesus Saviour site is good, but this is the truth shown.)

In general avoid Jesus is Savior site as unbiblically evils has beens hown about its author David J. Stewart.
And Deep Study:
Click here. (However regarding dress codes in public worship service some clothes is good to have not to distract each other, but its no evil to be nude as Trinity Yahweh God created us nude in Garden of Eve. Clothes is more against Trinity Yahweh Gods will and purpose from the begining:
Regarding education some basic education like write and math and languages is important to get in public schools but most of todays schools today is wordly and unbiblically in later higher educations so bets is to follow Bible Gods Word, Jesus Christ were educated highly by biblically stuff and by Trinity Yahweh God of Bible Gods Word and the apostles and diciples were not educated by the wicked Wordly systems or wordly unbiblically school educations in higher educations etc:
Click here.)
Also see:
Trinity Yahweh God of Bible Gods Word wants us to be living of faith totally dependent on Trinity Yahweh God of Bible Gods Word to provide all our needs daily:

I believe the Bible Code exist but humans way to interpet is false in many cases... Maybe not all but in many times.

True video regarding satansrapture.com site Harry Walter the little we listed from them is Biblically tested true but overall best to avoid them:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9_DD5-kpeY (Bible Code initself is true, however the parts of other people that proven not true codes depends on themselves they used false metods and interpret it wrong etc, but Bible Code initself is very true and exist, period. However to get honest truth be guided by Bible Gods Word and Gods Holy Spirit and test all thing Biblically anything not matching Bible Gods Word is not from God, but is unbiblically evils and all things matching Bible Gods Word is from true trinity Yahweh God Creator of all life and Universe of Bible Gods Word, period, be blessed all.)

Wake up and Repent those in errors regarding this etc.

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